Plastic Free July


Plastic Free July has begun. Are you ready to join the challenge?⁠

Plastic free july | simple swaps ideas to make to reduce your plastic waste and make a positively impact  for the planet.

Join the movement with us and make some small changes in your habits that will do a lot for the planet. Let’s start with these very simple swaps!

What is Plastic Free July and where was it created?

Plastic Free July is an annual global movement that encourages people to reduce their plastic consumption for the whole month. What started from humble beginnings in 2011 in Australia has since grown, with an estimated 140 million people taking part last year.⁠

I wanted to inspire you to start or continue making swaps, by providing resources and ideas to help you reduce single-use plastic waste every day.


What you can do to help reduce single-use plastic waste every day:

First, it doesn’t have to be difficult, I think the key is to pick up one or two swaps at a time and change your habits. Because for me, the purpose of this month is to create durable changes in your daily habits as a more conscious consumer, one swap at a time, but for good. Each action taken is a step forward and there is never a too small effort!⁠

So here are a few easy swaps you can make:⁠

  • Bring a reusable coffee cup for your daily coffee at your local coffee shop (Most coffee cups aren’t recycled!)⁠

  • Swap liquid shampoo for solid shampoo bars.⁠

  • Bring your own reusable shopping bag⁠.

  • Don’t use single-use plastic bathroom products ( like disposable razors…).⁠

  • Use a menstrual cup or washable period underwear instead of tampons and pads⁠

  • Choose toothbrushes that are made from sustainable, compostable materials, such as bamboo.

  • Avoid cling wrap and use instead reusable bowl toppers (some are so pretty!) and washable wax wraps for wrapping sandwiches⁠

  • Use a reusable bottle of water instead of single-use plastic ones⁠

  • Buy bulk and loose food (nuts, cereals…) bringing your own containers and storing them in glass jars. (This reminds me that there has been a new shop of that kind opening up in my neighbourhood recently, and I'll definitely check it out soon!)⁠

Plastic free july eco swaps ideas for the bathroom | organic menstrual cup, bamboo toothbrush and washable menstrual pad photos

You can save the post and come back later to add another swap habit to your routine.

I would love to hear more suggestions, so feel free to comment, these resources will be helpful for more people.⁠


Do more:

Visit the website of the organisation to get more involved:

Happy Plastic free July and I hope you have found this post helpful!



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